Thursday, September 25, 2008

What the world thinks....

I am at all contempt for the world around-
A world that does not permit a deviation of the norm.
Any breach of it pronounces doom for the doer-
For the reason that the world was not able to achieve the deviation.

Prestige now poses as the fountainhead,
The world is desperate to know what the world thinks-
Rather than what the self thinks.
This stops the progress of the humankind abruptly.

When the world gets a stand before the self,
The self is helpless.
It’s the act of majority against minority,
The world breeds pride, as it knows that the self never wins.

But when the self decides to take on the world,
The world mocks, ridicules, scorns and smirks.
The world laughs and tries to break the self from succeeding,
But the self persists.

When the self triumphs,
The world now regrets,
For its actions of the past has brought upon misery and wreckage,
Not on the norm breaker but on its own self.