Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I love JAVA

Just sit back, take a deep breathe and visualize this.
Its midnight. You are walking in the lonely highway. All is peaceful except for the chill whip of wind.
Suddenly from nowhere, a pack of ghastly dogs pounce on you from all sides. You are screaming. Wake up!

Going through the five day Java training delineates the dogs scenario. I was peaceful on the sunday before java monday. Monday did start with a cuppa coffee, not filter coffee, but JAVA coffee (with beans grinded). I remember getting excited when i got the "Head First JAVA" book. Wacky books boosts me up! I meant wacky seasoned with mighty smartness. I went ahead with a decent good pace. Finished 5 chapters in 2 days( for a JAVA fresher like me it is certainly hare pace). I was all in the optimistic wind till the moment arrived when the trainer finished watever i covered in 15 minutes flat!

Come on! This ain't justice! I spend 2 full days and she goes on to close it in 15 mins! All this time i was walking peacefully(doubts are always there), but i was calm. But at the 16th minute i was dead. Yah! its the Ghost of me blogging now. But i felt if i sit through the rest of this session, my ghost persona might also get killed.

Why is it that i cant sip (forget drink)JAVA but only BRU? Presently more bits are overhead than in head. I can't even go on to say "I don't give a damn!" coz i am expected to be a pro at it by the end o' the week!!
Presently i am in the process of analyzing the right brain patterns of the java consumers with non-java consumers. You are welcome to join me in this pursuit of coffee.

I am half way through the training and i know i will never live after that to blog. So give me your advance condolences.
I love JAVA!! (i meant the island!)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lost in the rains - It happens only in India..!

It so happened that 2 ppl decided to plunge 'emselvs in shopping n games yesterday - Me and Sherin. When we started early from office for no other reason but this, we couldn't help observing the lovely patterns the clouds were making and the cool breeze that decided to entangle the hair while travellin' in d bus or the very slight drizzle that gave a invigorating feel. All was very well to keep up our spirits high till we reached KR puram. The rain took its claim and gave a heavy downpour. Still with umbrellas to our resuce,we stayed calm. But unfortunately we got down much ahead of our destination. We were walking to the side of the road- keeping out of the huge puddles that spread like a carpet before us. But what is the use of being careful? The motorcyclers and the auto drivers found pleasure in making their wheels depress through the deepest puddles near us and thereby having the fun of seeing our white dresses turn brown, with our faces and lappy bags not spared with wet mud. We could only curse and continue. Once we were at big bazaar, we exhausted ourselves aplenty. We went to the game zone and played ball games...egg games....video games and what not! All was fine inside the AC'nd zone that kept the outside temperament in dark. When we exited from the bazaar, the guards warned us to stay back till the rains subside. But we were adament enough to push our way out of the crowd gathered to find shelter from the extra heavy downpour. With our hands full of purchase covers and food(we had got parcel pepsi too), with the heavy lappy on our backs and the umbrella, we looked a sight! We struggled against the rains and strained our eyes to catch a sight of an auto. It was very dark and roads were flooded. We now didn't care a tuppence about our white attire. We waded through the waters with the umbrella in front to shield the sharp droplets making depression in our faces, we tried to stop an auto. We were almost standing in the middle of the road in an attempt to stop an vehicle. But we were highly unsucessful. The rains always increase the atrocity of the auto drivers. You should hear the exhorbitant amount they charge for going a short distance. Intially the autos we managed to halt demanded 100. then it went upto 120! By the time we decided we were ready to pay 100 bucks to save ourseleves from the brief storm, the autos deserted. The next couple o' autos refused to give us a ride. They preferred to take in families. What logic! I was splurting out so many curses that would have ruined a typical paradigm of what a iyer gal is. We were totally at a loss and even wondered whether we would reach our home at all. We could feel our mobiles vibrating and ringing in our wet hands, but with the load in our hand and the heavy rain, we couldn't even attend it causing nervousness to the people at the other end of the phone. We were fully drenched by the time we managed to get into an auto for 70 bucks. The auto journey too didn't provide much of a relief. Imagine the plight of an auto jammed between a huge truck carrying iron rods on one side and a bus on the other. I was showered with the occasional muddy water inside the vehicle more than once. And one more fear was making through the drilling waves in the roads. The auto's engine coughed and sneezed all the way. Imagine the relief we got when we reached near home. The auto driver cribbed and cursed us for asking him to take a particular route. If he didnt have to take the route we specified, why in the heaven's sake should he have taken it in the first case?
Finally! we made it. The pepsi like a waterbag, my pizza and finger fries floating in water and lappy bag carrying more than a kilogram of h2o!
Now, the important aspect that comes out of such an experience is the desire to bang the auto drivers on a sharp rock or alteast a wall. If they don't want to take in the people, why the hell should they drive at all? It doesn't make sense. It is acceptable to charge a lil extra in case of rains. But charging some crazy amount is damn crazy. Making their wheels splash the muddy waters on the poor pedestrians is another game they oughta stop playing! But waiting for the day these will be solved may just happen to be an illusion.! It..huh..happens only in India!!

Friday, August 8, 2008


There are always the lights that you can depend upon-
In the moments of the silent distress...
There are always the lights that you can call anytime-
In the moments of solitude...
There are always the lights that you can celebrate with-
In the moments of the joy and ecstasy...
There are always the lights that you can ride with-
In the moments of relishing the goodness of nature...
The lights do not flash in the closeness of self,
But it always shines brightly in the closeness of the soul.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Apple Tree

There once grew an apple tree,
In the midst of the public free.
Two fruits sprouted from the tree,
Seeking the dawn of the darkness free.

One apple was the normal sight,
The other was the eccentric height.
The former was in the search of light,
The latter was meek to use its right.

One apple was delicious tasting,
The other was just a sour bantering.
One gave a sick man a feel invigorating,
While the other yielded only a health weaning.

The day came to pick the apple right,
Two contending for the prestige fight,
The first apple was chosen to be the fruit alright,
Leaving the other to the deserving plight.